How To Save Money On Your Food Bill

Are you feeling the pain of the economy? Have you cut back as much as you can and all that is left is cutting back on food-again? Here in, How To Save Money On Your Food Bill, We give you ways that we cut back that can help.

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Going to the grocery store is rough! Does it seem like food has at least doubled in price? It does to us! We feel the stress of the ever increasing prices, our friends do and our aging parents do-being on social security does not allow for the increases we have seen not only in food but, utility bills, fuel for cars, property taxes….everything! Help!!

Whether a college student, a young professional, a family on a tight budget, or anyone looking to reduce their monthly expenses, finding ways to save money on food without compromising the quality of meals is a smart financial move. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of tips and strategies to help you trim your food expenses while still enjoying delicious and nutritious meals.

We are all looking for ways to decrease our spending, especially on food. Here are some tips to help you do just that. #DecreaseSpending #SaveMoney #SpendLessOnGroceries #SaveMoneyOnFood

Save Money On Food Ideas:


My husband and I (first of all are not lite eaters-we like food and enjoy eating) went to a restaurant just this week that we love. He used to bring me this delicious barbecue chicken salad for lunch. It was a big salad and took me about 20 minutes to eat-which is great! However, upon receiving our chicken barbecue salads, my husband said, “where are we going to eat after this appetizer?” The salad had not only been down-sized by, well, more than a half, the cost was higher! It just causes anger at this point! This is not the only restaurant where we have experienced this smaller portions and higher prices situation! It is pretty much all of the restaurants. I told him, “we have to quit eating out at restaurants.” So, number one, quit eating out. Learn and be persistent at making yourselves cook at home.

Thinking about the cost of our two small salads, about $24.00 before tax and beverage-no sides either. Just the two extra small salads! I can feed us at home (to the point of actually being full), for much less.

Cooking at home is not only cost-effective but also healthier than eating out or ordering takeout. By preparing your meals, you have control over the ingredients and portion sizes, which can lead to significant savings.

a. Batch Cooking: Cook large quantities and freeze individual portions for later consumption. This not only saves you money but also time on busy days.

b. Stay away from convenience foods! Instead of buying pre-packaged items like salad dressings, spice mixes, frozen dinners, premade lunches, frozen breakfast sandwiches, pancakes or waffles-and so on-make your own at home. It’s often cheaper and healthier.

c. Find low cost new recipes. Experiment with new (but low cost) recipes to keep your meals exciting and cost-effective. Homemade pizzas, stir-fry and casserole recipes use less meat and lots of veggies, are versatile and budget-friendly options. Stay away from new recipes that use a bunch of spices or ingredients you don’t normally keep on hand.

Extra Ideas:

-When you are making pancakes, muffins, or waffles, make extra and freeze some for later, easy breakfasts.

-When baking potatoes for dinner or having mashed potatoes for dinner, bake or cook extra. Peel the baked potatoes and dice them up. Then, fry them in a little butter to go with eggs for breakfast. You can do the same with mashed potatoes-fry them in butter to go with eggs. Get them nice and browned. They are yummy. You avoid waste, save time and money.

-We always like breakfast for dinner. Some eggs, sausage (little smokies from Costco are reasonable-just break the package down into smaller sizes. Freeze them in Ziploc freezer bags in amounts you use normally) and some hash browns.

-Making breakfast burritos with eggs, a little cheese, tortillas, inexpensive sausage and some tater-rounds or hash browns make a quick breakfast. Make extra and freeze for easy meals.

-Buying food in bigger sizes saves money as long as you use it, of course.

2. Brown-Bag Lunch (and breakfast)!

To go right along with-quit eating out-this goes for breakfast and lunch, too. Don’t stop on your way to work for a high priced beverage and breakfast. Bringing your lunch to work or school can save you a significant amount of money over time. Eating out regularly can add up very quickly. Packing your lunch not only saves money but also allows you to make healthier choices. Here are some ideas:

a. Make your morning beverage and breakfast at home-take it with you, if needed.

b. Leftovers are a great lunch option. Use last night’s dinner for your lunch the next day. When you are putting leftovers away, put them away in containers that you can grab and go the next morning. Mornings are busy. A little night-before prep can help with this!

c. Meal prepping is a great way to get lunch ready for the week. Spend a few hours each week preparing meals in advance to grab and go during busy weekdays. This is a great idea for Sunday Night-prep your lunches for the week. I love this method for my salads-Check Out This Link!

d. Use reusable containers to place your lunch in. Don’t waste money on disposable bags and containers. If possible, invest in a good lunchbox and reusable containers to carry your meals in without waste. Likely, buying new lunch box or containers are not in the budget right now. However, when it is, try to buy glass containers. Glass is better than plastic for your health.

3. Minimize Food Waste!

It is easy to do-things get shoved to the back of the refrigerator and forgotten. I do this often but, I have been paying more attention to it due to the cost of food.

Be thoughtful of what you are doing-have you ever gotten a piece of meat out of the freezer to cook the next day, left it out on the counter and forgotten about it? I have been guilty of this a few times before. What a waste! A whole roast or bag of chicken has to be thrown out! That is painful. Don’t make this mistake. Leave enough time to thaw your frozen meat out in the refrigerator.

So, one of the simplest ways to save money on food is by reducing food waste. When you waste food, you’re essentially throwing money in the trash. Here’s how to minimize waste:

a. Use your leftovers! Repurpose leftovers into new meals or incorporate them into your weekly menu. Use them for lunch the next day, use leftover roast to make a soup or shredded bbq sandwiches or make burritos with the extra meat.

b. Pay attention to what you purchased and when. When storing food, use the oldest items first to prevent items from expiring. Along with storing them correctly, this will help with food waste-don’t let your food spoil.

c. Portion control is another way to reduce. Many of us eat more than we need to and hate the feeling of being hungry. As you practice eating slower, stop eating when you are satisfied-not full, filling plates less full and learning that a hungry stomach is okay if you have eaten enough calories for your body size and age. Over eating is wasting food and making us overweight. So, be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and therefore, wasting food.

4. Use Canned or Frozen Foods!

While fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal, frozen and canned options can be more budget-friendly without sacrificing nutrition. Frozen fruits and vegetables are often more affordable and have a longer shelf life than fresh ones. They’re also equally nutritious. Canned beans, tomatoes, and vegetables are versatile and have a long shelf life. Look for low-sodium or no-sugar-added options. These are great to make soups and casseroles that will leave enough leftover for lunch the next day.

We are all looking for ways to decrease our spending, especially on food. Here are some tips to help you do just that. #DecreaseSpending #SaveMoney #SpendLessOnGroceries #SaveMoneyOnFood

5. Make a Plan and Stick To It!

Meal planning is the cornerstone of effective money-saving strategies for your food budget. Planning your meals in advance helps you buy only what you need, reduces waste, and prevents unnecessary trips to the grocery store. Here’s how to get started:

a. Create a Weekly Menu: Decide what you want to eat for the week. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks (if you can learn to live without snacking, that saves money). Try to use ingredients you already have on hand to minimize your grocery list. Know what you already have! Have some recipes you love that are low cost!

b. Make a Shopping List: Based on your menu, create a detailed shopping list. Stick to it, and avoid impulse purchases. Don’t take the kids or your husband if he likes to fill the basket with non-essentials. Maybe it is you that has a hard time not filling the cart with things you do not need-in that case, send someone else to do the shopping-your husband.

c. Buy in Bulk: For non-perishable items, buying in bulk can save money in the long run. Just make sure you have enough storage space.

d. Again, USE LEFTOVERS! Plan meals that can be repurposed into new dishes or lunches to avoid wasting food. For example, a roast chicken can become chicken tacos the next day. A pot roast can become burritos the next day.

6. Be Smart When Shopping:

When it comes to saving money on food, the grocery store is where the magic happens. With a few savvy shopping strategies, you can make your money go further.

a. Shop Sales and Discounts. Keep an eye on weekly flyers and sales (look at ads online). Stock up on items you use regularly when they’re on sale. But, don’t just buy something that is on sale-you have to have a plan to use it or it’s a waste of money.

b. Buy Generic Brands. In most cases, store-brand products are just as good as name brands, but they’re usually cheaper. I say usually, because some are not. Most are just as good, though!

c. Use Coupons and Cashback Apps: Take advantage of coupons, discounts, and cashback apps to save on your grocery bill. Many apps offer rebates on everyday items. Use apps like Ibotta but, don’t buy things you do not need-stay strong! Use apps like Fetch to earn points toward gift cards. I know Walmart is usually cheaper where we live so, I scan receipts and turn those points in for Walmart gift cards.

d. Shop Seasonal and Local: Seasonal produce tends to be cheaper and fresher. Support local farmers and save money by buying from farmers’ markets, IF, they offer the items you need for cheaper. They should be more fresh if they are local and I love supporting local people! Also, know what you need and don’t buy more than you need. Remember we are trying to conserve, not waste and cut the cost.

e. Don’t Shop Hungry! Shopping on an empty stomach can lead to impulse purchases. Eat a meal before heading to the store.

f. When shopping, check your produce-pick the best and the freshest. When buying a bag of potatoes for example, feel the potatoes in the bag. Don’t buy the bag if the potatoes feel soft or have a bad smell.

7. Cut Back on Meat:

Meat is expensive and can be one of the most expensive items on your grocery list. While you don’t need to go vegetarian, reducing your meat consumption can have a positive impact on your food budget. Here are some ideas:

a. Meatless Monday has been a popular meal planning idea for a long time. It doesn’t have to be Monday but, usually we have meat on Sunday for family dinner and then, no meat on Monday. Use the leftover meat from Sunday for lunches or repurpose for dinner on Tuesday.

b. Use less expensive meats. Ground beef is cheaper than steak, chicken thighs or drum sticks are cheaper than chicken breasts and pork is fairly inexpensive, especially when you catch it on sale. I love to get a couple pork loins when they are on sale at Costco-under $2.00 a pound. Cut them up into sizes I use and freeze them for later. Just don’t let them get lost in the freezer. Use them. Don’t let food waste.

8. Track Your Expenses:

I know it is no fun, but you can try to make it a fun challenge to track your expenses and lower your monthly food bill. It is important to know where your money is going! Every dollar should have a purpose and you should know where each dollar has gone or is going. Add up your receipts to find out. There’s an app for that.

9. Get The Family or Spouse Involved:

Take time, for example, Friday night or Saturday morning where you sit down together and:

a. Plan the next weeks menus (breakfasts, lunches and dinners).

b. Write out the shopping list with just what you need.

c. Go grocery shopping and stick to the list.

d. Return home and store the food properly to avoid waste.

e. Meal prep if that works for you. Put together freezer meals. Make muffins, egg muffins, or whatever the plan is for breakfasts during the week to save time. Prep lunches like the way I like to prep my salads for lunch every day.

10. Utilize Appliances:

a. Use a slow cooker-having dinner ready or nearly ready when you get home from work is a wonderful feeling.

b. Really learn how to use your instant pot, if you have one.

c. Use your Salad Shooter or another chopper to quickly prep veggies or grate cheese.

d. Air Fryers can be a help with time-it heats up quicker than the oven.

e. Food Saver Vacuum Sealers are a great help in preserving food.

In Conclusion:

Don’t eat out for any meals and minimize food waste which includes, over eating. Cook at home with low cost ingredients-use recipes that require less Ingredients. Plan, Plan, Plan. Watch where your money is going. Plan, Plan, Plan and stick to it. Use leftovers!

It is so much easier to grab take-out but, we are trying to save money. So, try these ideas and let me know what your favorites are.

Make it a challenge and a game with you and your spouse to see how much you can save and build you savings account.

You need to be on the same page-if not, it will be a battle. Agree to do better with your food budget and everyone works at it.

Some Recipes That Are Budget Friendly:

Mini Breakfast Ham Quiches-use the extra ham and cheese for sandwiches

Artesian Bread-easy and inexpensive to use for soups and sandwiches-even toast.

Soup Recipes

Pasta Recipes

Chicken Recipes-when possible you can use chicken thighs or buy a Costco whole rotisserie chicken and use it for more than one meal.


All of the thoughts and opinions here, on our family food and recipe blog, are our own. The affiliate links (if you click on one or more) here pay us a tiny commission that will not cost you anything. The commissions help us run this web-site. We appreciate your support! Thank you so much!

We all want to thank you for visiting and trying recipes from our family recipe blog. Your support is very much appreciated. All of us are hoping that all of you are staying healthy, strong and happy. Have a fantastic day and an even better week. Have fun cooking and remember to get the kids involved where it is safe to do so. They may love it and it is a great activity for quality family time. Family and friends are the best! 

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